
Coaching ERP- Institute Management Software


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Coaching ERP system for Institute Management to maintain Enquiries, Admission, Fees, Course Master, Installment Management, Attendance, Accounts, Day Book, Ledger, Cash Book, Payments, Receipts, Cheque Printing, Easy Banking, Balance Sheet, Trial Balance, Profit/Loss, Trading Account, Multi-Company, Bank Reconciliation, Interest Calculation, Simple Sale / Purchase Vouchers, SMS Facility and much more. Everything important to computerize any Institute.

What are the highlighting features of Focus Plus?

  • Flexible Installments Structure

    Configure Student’s fee structure for any duration, any frequency, any amount.

  • Complete Financial Accounting

    Manage Accounts up to Balance Sheet with Day Book, Ledger, Cashbook, Trial Balance, Incomes/Expenses with drill-down facility from top to bottom.

  • Attendance Management

    Very Easy to Manage Attendance, just tap the absent or leave students and save and let Focus plus generate all the necessary reports automatically.


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